Sunday, August 20, 2006

most certainly.

to be upfront about it, i really have nothing to say nowadays, which is precisely the reason i blog so little. the truth is, when you have absolutely nothing to do, or rather, when you have MANY MANY things to do and absolutely no time/determination to do them, you tend to lose focus of what you want to do/say. let me just catalog them for you.

things jo needs to do before she leaves:
1) get visa [of utmost importance. shall do it tomorrow.]
2) settle insurance [very VERY important, shall get mom to call up AIG tomorrow.]
3) finish driving lessons [fairly important but extremely uninspiring.]
4) start searching for all my reading material and compiling them so i can cart them over.
5) buy mic and webcam.
6) fix laptop fan. [i might just leave it alone, depending on how much it rumbles over the next few days.]
7) new walking shoes.
8) get all my certs together.
9) medical check-up.
10) PACK.

unfortunately, things i have done:
1) buy mic and webcam.
2) new walking shoes.

isn't it uncanny how the only things that i have gotten done are those that require me spending money? :)

on a slightly more positive note, i went out with JUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! it's been a loooong, long time. we were discussing about how strange it is that you can go many months without seeing a person and not really missing them because well, you just get used to it, and then you see them and BAM! you realise how much you miss them. i've really missed ju. there's just something about her that never changes, and that comforts me; gives me a sense of security like you wouldn't believe. being with her is like a balm.

it's like finding the pillow you used to cuddle to sleep every night in your childhood, the one that your mom tried to wean you off when you were ten (remember how you burst into tears when she took it away from you?) you get used to sleeping without it; you don't really even notice its absence.. then HEY. my pillow! and you feel this almost crippling sense of nostalgia and happiness at having found it.

i just realised i essentially just repeated the previous paragraph, except in analogy. oh well. reiteration makes for good emphasis of important ideas!

anyway, i just wanted to tell ju that i love her! and how fantastic she is!

does anyone want to watch westlife with me, btw? it'll be like being back in secondary school all over again!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

how one occupies one's insignificant little life in times of boredom.

if you please, i will now proceed to display to you what i have been doing over the past few days.

in the last three or four days, i have successfully completed watching every single disney princess movie produced, including some NON-disney-princess-but-still-disney movies. the classic ones, that is. and i have successfully gathered a list and memorised the lyrics of all my favourite insipid, and yet so strangely STUCK-IN-YOUR-HEAD songs that disney has surreptitiously incorporated into their movies so that stupid sots like me keep coming back for more.

Cinderella- A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes

a dream is a wish your heart makes
when you're fast asleep
in dreams you lose your heartaches
whatever you wish for, you keep!
have faith in your dreams and someday
your rainbow will come shining true!
no matter how your heart is grieving,
if you keep on believing,
the dream that you wish will come trueeeeeeee.

honestly, how cheesy can one song get?! oh wait, here's a cheesier one.
Snow White- Someday My Prince will Come

someday my prince will comeeeeeee
someday i'll find my loveeee
and how thrilling that moment will be
when the prince of my dreams comes to meeeeee

he'll whisper 'i love you'
and steal a kiss or two
though he's far away
i'll find my love someday
someday when my dreams come true

i am beginning to detect a certain lyrical pattern. dreams, wishes, coming true. hmm. we'll check that one final time.
Sleeping Beauty- Once Upon a Dream

i know you, i've walked with you once upon a dream
i know you, the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
yes, i know it's true
that visions are seldom all that they seem
but if i know you, i know what you'll do
you'll love me at once
the way you did once upon a dream....


i am going quite insane.