Friday, January 05, 2007

one day more; another day, another destiny.

... the never-ending road to calvary!! [garbles happily at valjean's distinctly reachable notes]

i really think i should just retire from singing girls parts and move on to less challenging and usually more enjoyable male parts. :P

my sudden outburst of "ONE DAY MORE!!!" isn't completely due to my schizophrenia; have no fear. i am, in fact, leaving singapore in a matter of a day, and strangely, my christmas holidays seem to have passed so fast that i can't even remember what i spent all my time on.

i certainly didn't STUDY, as i ought to have.

it just seems like yesterday [cliches abound!] when i flew the necessary but gruelling thirteen hours back to singapore; and now i've got to fly off again. eminently unfair, in my opinion. but i have to say that this christmas break for me really symbolised everything i have to be thankful and joyful about back home in singapore.

i got to spend time with my family, making sure they hadn't forgotten my existence; i got to spend time [however miniscule that fraction of a second was.. :p] with my best friend, the still beautiful judith yee; i got to spend time with people i hadn't seen in a LONG TIME [well, person.], my old friend qing, even if it were only for a few minutes; i got to spend time with ernest, even though that evidently wasn't enough time for his liking; and i'm going to see nartz in a few moments, so that's another important person to see struck off my list! :)

but i'd have to say, the highlight of my return, and to be honest, my life in singapore, would have to still be THE choir. [yes, yes, i can hear the groans now. but bear with me.] truly, my christmas holidays were given such meaning because of the time i shared with them; with everyone. carolling was, for me, so fulfilling, and intensely addictive. and with the music comes the people, that part of the choir experience that i really treasure beyond belief. seeing stefff again was just great, and well, i've missed everyone so entirely that coming back, being able to be around people who GET me, who understand so intrinsically how i feel, was just.. the quick, life-saving gasp of air that you take in as you break through the surface of the water, before you dive in for another long stroke.

okay, bad analogies and choking sentimentality aside, i've missed my friends. and it's really nice to have something so precious to come home to. :)

ANYWAY, an alarming piece of news: geoffrey ho allowed me to CUT HIS HAIR yesterday!! haha.. i can almost SEE your reactions as i type this. but in complete truth, he did. and even though, according to bong, i'm too scared and unadventurous in cutting his hair, i'm still amazed by the faith he showed in me. despite ernest's tauntings and "have you seen her barbie dolls?", he still let me do it! and even though it doesn't look much different and it'd probably grow out in a matter of days, it was still an experience, nonetheless. :)

a little photo sample.

alright, i'm late to meet natasha, so.. [breaks out into song!]




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