Monday, November 20, 2006

nothing much to say.

ernest is nagging me to update, so i shall update.

reading week was last week, and it was pretty much the best week of my life so far here at uni. no tutorials and minimal lectures gives one time to catch up on his/her work [which i, admittedly, did very little of], go out and spend time with friends [which i, admittedly, did a little of] and generally slack off and sleep until three in the afternoon [which i, admittedly, did a LOT of].

don't look at me like that, i DID finish a 2,500 word essay. [albeit in 2,911 words]

matt's girlfriend, verity, came over to visit matt this weekend, and the envy nearly killed me. why doesn't ernest xue ren kai want to visit me...? :( such a nehneh. i miss him so much, and he doesn't even want to spend TWO DAYS [well, hee, and two thousand dollars] to come and pay me a short visit. haha. [i'm kidding, nemest.] but truly, it was fun hanging out with the flat again, going out to evil eye [now our usual haunt everytime we actually bother to go out] and teaching verity how to play mahjong and daidee. :P

we're celebrating thanksgiving this thursday! [even though, well, british people technically DON'T celebrate thanksgiving.] the only two yanks [although charlotte gets affronted when i call her that :P] in our flat are doing most of the organising and planning. hmmm. turkey stuffing and pumpkin pie. :) yummnm. how exciting! [gastronomically, of course. the commemorative significance kind of passes over my head :P]

anyway, i've got to finish reading my textbook before my next lesson in an hour so...



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