Monday, January 08, 2007


it's probably not a good thing; at least, not on the eve of an exam and the same day you happen to return to the united kingdom.

the constant drizzle outside exacerbates the process; the dreariness makes one see the negativity in everything.

talking to limmy sobers me. it's bizarre, that way, considering i merely ramble and she listens. but it helps me come to my own conclusions.

and sometimes knowing too much about yourself and your inadequacies make you just that little bit sadder.

there's something about my life that needs to be changed. i haven't figured it out quite what it is, yet. but i feel it, more so tonight than any other night in, perhaps, the past year.

quite the most frighteningly effective, or effectively frightening enabler i know. :)

i'll take some time to sort it out.



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